Amadores Beachclub is located in the south of the island of Gran Canaria at Playa de Amadores.

The club is accessible by car on the GC-1 motorway or along the coast on the GC-500 towards Mogan. The beach club is located directly on the beach of Amadores. Parking facilities are available. Come early.

The club is open to everyone. Sunbeds can be booked directly at the entrance, including bath towels. If you want to be a bit secluded, you can book a so-called "cabana". This is a small private "hut" with a small private pool area. 

There is plenty to eat and drink at the club. From Heineken beer to cocktails or champagne. You can spend the whole day at Amadores Beachclub and it is hardly boring. Music from the DJ or live music round off the club feeling.

Amadores Beachclub
35130 Puerto Rico
Gran Canaria


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